Pegan, TM, AA Kimmitt, BW Benz, BC Weeks, Y Aubry, TM Burg, J Hudon, AW Jones, JJ Kirchman, K Ruegg & BM Winger. Population genetic consequences of the seasonal migrations of birds. In Review. (Preprint)
Winger, BM, FA La Sorte, MD Hack & TM Pegan. Joint evolution of the biogeography and phenology of seasonal migration. In Review. (Preprint)
Berv, JS, S Singhal, DJ Field, N Walker-Hale, SW McHugh, JR Shipley, ET Miller, RT Kimball, EL Braun, A Dornburg, CT Parins-Fukuchi, RO Prum, BM Winger, M Friedman, SA Smith. 2024. Genome and life-history evolution link bird diversification to the end-Cretaceous extinction. Science Advances. 31:eadp0114 (PDF)
Kimmitt, AA, TM Pegan, AW Jones, K Winker & BM Winger. 2024. How Veeries vary: whole-genome sequencing resolves genetic structure in a long-distance migratory bird. Ornithology 141(1):ukad061 (PDF)
Wacker, KS & BM Winger. 2024. Phylogeographic diversity in Neotropical birds is higher in mountains but decoupled from speciation rates. American Naturalist 203: 362-381 (PDF)
Pegan, TM, JR Berv, ER Gulson-Castillo, Kimmitt AA & BM Winger. 2024. The pace of mitochondrial molecular evolution varies with seasonal migration distance. Evolution 78:160-173 (PDF)
ER Gulson-Castillo, BM Van Doren, MX Bui, KG Horton, J Li, MW Moldwin, K Shedden, D Welling & BM Winger. 2023. Space weather disrupts nocturnal bird migration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120:e2306317120 (PDF)
•Select media coverage: Weather Channel,
Scientific American, Newsweek, The Times UK, The Debrief
Zimova, M, BC Weeks, DE Willard, ST Giery, V Jirinec, RC Burner & BM Winger. 2023. Body size predicts the rate of contemporary morphological change in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120:e2206971120. (PDF)
•Select media coverage: The Hill, USA Today
Skeen, HR, DE Willard, AW Jones, BM Winger, EF Gyllenhaal, BR Tsuru, SJ Hackett, & J Novembre. 2023. Intestinal microbiota of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds vary more over seasons and years than between host species. Molecular Ecology 32:3290–3307 (PDF).
Kimmitt, AA, TM Pegan, AW Jones, KS Wacker, CL Brennan, J Hudon, JJ Kirchman, KC Ruegg, BW Benz, R Herman & BM Winger. 2023. Genetic evidence for widespread population size expansion in North American boreal birds prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20221334 (PDF)
Freeman, BG, GA Montgomery, J Heavyside, AE Moncrieff, O Johnson, & BM Winger. 2023. On the predictability of phenotypic divergence in geographic isolation. Evolution 77, 26–35 (PDF)
Herman, RW, BM Winger, DL Dittman & MG Harvey. 2022. Fine-scale population structure and barriers to gene flow in a widespread seabird (Ardenna pacifica). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 137:125-136. (PDF)
Winger, BM & TM Pegan. 2021. Migration distance is a fundamental axis of the slow-fast continuum of life history in boreal birds. Ornithology 138:1-18 (PDF).
•winner of 2022 AOS Brina C. Kessel Award
•honored as Editors Choice
•Related blog article
Zimova, M, DE Willard, BM Winger, BC Weeks. 2021. Widespread shifts in bird migration phenology are decoupled from parallel shifts in morphology. Journal of Animal Ecology 90:2348–2361 (PDF)
Van Doren, BM, DE Willard, M Hennen, KG Horton, EF Stuber, D Sheldon, A Sivakumar, J Wang, A Farnsworth & BM Winger. 2021. Drivers of fatal bird collisions in an urban center. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2101666118 (PDF)
•Select media coverage: Chicago Tribune,
New York Times op-ed, Science Magazine, The Hill, The Guardian
Pegan, TM & BM Winger. 2020. The influence of seasonal migration on range size in temperate North American passerines. Ecography 43:1191-1202 (PDF)
Weeks, BC, DE Willard, M Zimova, AA Ellis, ML Witynski, M Hennen & BM Winger. 2020. Shared morphological consequences of global warming in North American migratory birds. Ecology Letters 23:316-325 (PDF)
•Winner of 2022 ESA George Mercer Award
•Select media coverage: Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN,
BBC, Science Magazine, NBC News, Science Friday
Weeks, BC, S Naeem, BM Winger & JL Cracraft. 2020. The relationship between morphology and behavior in mixed-species flocks of island birds. Ecology and Evolution 10:10593-10606. (PDF)
Starkloff, NC, JJ Kirchman, AW Jones, BM Winger, Y-H Huang, PC Pulgarín-R & WC Turner. 2020. Drivers of community turnover differ between avian haemoparasite genera along a North American latitudinal gradient. Ecology and Evolution 10:5402-5415. (PDF)
Winger, BM, BC Weeks, A Farnsworth, AW Jones, M Hennen & DE Willard. 2019. Nocturnal flight-calling behaviour predicts vulnerability to artificial light in migratory birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286:20190364 (PDF)
•Select media coverage: Science Magazine, PBS Nova,
Chicago Tribune, Audubon, The Guardian, The Conversation
Winger, BM, GG Auteri, TM Pegan & BC Weeks. 2019. A long winter for the Red Queen: Rethinking the evolution of seasonal migration. Biological Reviews 94:737-752. (PDF)
•Winner of 2019 American Ornithological Society Katma Award
•Related interviews for Radiolab and Wildlife Magazine
Chesser, RT, KJ Burns, C Cicero, JL Dunn, AW Kratter, IJ Lovette, PC Rasmussen, JV Remsen, DF Stotz, BM Winger & K Winker. 2018. Fifty-ninth supplement to the American Ornithological Society’s Check-list of North American Birds. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135:798-813. (PDF)
Winger, BM. 2017. Consequences of divergence and introgression for speciation in Andean cloud-forest birds. Evolution 71:1815-1831. (PDF)
•Featured as an Evolution Digest (Turbek 2017)
Toews, DPL, L Campagna, SA Taylor, CN Balakrishnan, DT Baldassare, PE Deane-Coe, MG Harvey, DM Hooper, DE Irwin, CD Judy, NA Mason, JE McCormack, KG McCracken, CH Oliveros, RJ Safran, ESC Scordato, KF Stryjewksi, A Tigano, JAC Uy, & BM Winger. 2016. Genomic approaches to understanding population divergence and speciation in birds. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 133:13-30. (PDF)
Winger, BM, PA Hosner, GA Bravo, AM Cuervo, N Aristizábal, LE Cueto & JM Bates. 2015. Inferring speciation history in the Andes with reduced-representation sequence data: an example in the bay-backed antpittas (Aves; Grallariidae; Grallaria hypoleuca s. l.). Molecular Ecology 24:6256-6277. (PDF)
Winger, BM & JM Bates. 2015. The tempo of trait divergence in geographic isolation: Avian speciation across the Marañon valley of Peru. Evolution 69:772-782. (PDF)
Winger, BM, FK Barker & RH Ree. 2014. Temperate origins of long-distance seasonal migration in New World songbirds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 111(33):12115-12120. (PDF) | (media coverage)
Harvey, MG, GF Seeholzer, D Cáceres, BM Winger, JG Tello, F Hernández, MA Aponte, CV Duffie, S Figueroa, RS Terrill, CE Brown, L Alza, G Bravo, M Combe, O Custodio, A Quiñones, A Urbay, WA Garcia, AS Savit, FW Pezo, WM Mauck III, and O Barden. 2014. Avian biogeography of an Amazonian headwater: the upper Ucayali River, Peru. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126(2):179-191. (PDF)
Seeholzer, GF, BM Winger, MG Harvey, D Cáceres & JD Weckstein. 2012. A new species of barbet (Aves: Capitonidae) from the Cerros del Sira, Ucayali, Peru. The Auk 129(3):551-559. (frontispiece) (PDF)
Winger, BM, IJ Lovette & DW Winkler. 2012. Ancestry and evolution of seasonal migration in Parulidae. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:610-618. (PDF)
Harvey, MG, BM Winger, GF Seeholzer & D Caceres. 2011. Avifauna of the Gran Pajonal and southern Cerros del Sira, Peru. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123(2):289-316. (PDF)
Greeney, H, M Juiña, JB Harris, M Wickens, BM Winger, R Gelis, E Miller, & A Solano-Ugalde. 2010. Observations on the breeding biology of birds in south-east Ecuador. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 130:61-68. (PDF)
Pegan, TM, AA Kimmitt, BW Benz, BC Weeks, Y Aubry, TM Burg, J Hudon, AW Jones, JJ Kirchman, K Ruegg & BM Winger. Population genetic consequences of the seasonal migrations of birds. In Review. (Preprint)
Winger, BM, FA La Sorte, MD Hack & TM Pegan. Joint evolution of the biogeography and phenology of seasonal migration. In Review. (Preprint)
Berv, JS, S Singhal, DJ Field, N Walker-Hale, SW McHugh, JR Shipley, ET Miller, RT Kimball, EL Braun, A Dornburg, CT Parins-Fukuchi, RO Prum, BM Winger, M Friedman, SA Smith. 2024. Genome and life-history evolution link bird diversification to the end-Cretaceous extinction. Science Advances. 31:eadp0114 (PDF)
Kimmitt, AA, TM Pegan, AW Jones, K Winker & BM Winger. 2024. How Veeries vary: whole-genome sequencing resolves genetic structure in a long-distance migratory bird. Ornithology 141(1):ukad061 (PDF)
Wacker, KS & BM Winger. 2024. Phylogeographic diversity in Neotropical birds is higher in mountains but decoupled from speciation rates. American Naturalist 203: 362-381 (PDF)
Pegan, TM, JR Berv, ER Gulson-Castillo, Kimmitt AA & BM Winger. 2024. The pace of mitochondrial molecular evolution varies with seasonal migration distance. Evolution 78:160-173 (PDF)
ER Gulson-Castillo, BM Van Doren, MX Bui, KG Horton, J Li, MW Moldwin, K Shedden, D Welling & BM Winger. 2023. Space weather disrupts nocturnal bird migration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120:e2306317120 (PDF)
•Select media coverage: Weather Channel,
Scientific American, Newsweek, The Times UK, The Debrief
Zimova, M, BC Weeks, DE Willard, ST Giery, V Jirinec, RC Burner & BM Winger. 2023. Body size predicts the rate of contemporary morphological change in birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120:e2206971120. (PDF)
•Select media coverage: The Hill, USA Today
Skeen, HR, DE Willard, AW Jones, BM Winger, EF Gyllenhaal, BR Tsuru, SJ Hackett, & J Novembre. 2023. Intestinal microbiota of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds vary more over seasons and years than between host species. Molecular Ecology 32:3290–3307 (PDF).
Kimmitt, AA, TM Pegan, AW Jones, KS Wacker, CL Brennan, J Hudon, JJ Kirchman, KC Ruegg, BW Benz, R Herman & BM Winger. 2023. Genetic evidence for widespread population size expansion in North American boreal birds prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20221334 (PDF)
Freeman, BG, GA Montgomery, J Heavyside, AE Moncrieff, O Johnson, & BM Winger. 2023. On the predictability of phenotypic divergence in geographic isolation. Evolution 77, 26–35 (PDF)
Herman, RW, BM Winger, DL Dittman & MG Harvey. 2022. Fine-scale population structure and barriers to gene flow in a widespread seabird (Ardenna pacifica). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 137:125-136. (PDF)
Winger, BM & TM Pegan. 2021. Migration distance is a fundamental axis of the slow-fast continuum of life history in boreal birds. Ornithology 138:1-18 (PDF).
•winner of 2022 AOS Brina C. Kessel Award
•honored as Editors Choice
•Related blog article
Zimova, M, DE Willard, BM Winger, BC Weeks. 2021. Widespread shifts in bird migration phenology are decoupled from parallel shifts in morphology. Journal of Animal Ecology 90:2348–2361 (PDF)
Van Doren, BM, DE Willard, M Hennen, KG Horton, EF Stuber, D Sheldon, A Sivakumar, J Wang, A Farnsworth & BM Winger. 2021. Drivers of fatal bird collisions in an urban center. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2101666118 (PDF)
•Select media coverage: Chicago Tribune,
New York Times op-ed, Science Magazine, The Hill, The Guardian
Pegan, TM & BM Winger. 2020. The influence of seasonal migration on range size in temperate North American passerines. Ecography 43:1191-1202 (PDF)
Weeks, BC, DE Willard, M Zimova, AA Ellis, ML Witynski, M Hennen & BM Winger. 2020. Shared morphological consequences of global warming in North American migratory birds. Ecology Letters 23:316-325 (PDF)
•Winner of 2022 ESA George Mercer Award
•Select media coverage: Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN,
BBC, Science Magazine, NBC News, Science Friday
Weeks, BC, S Naeem, BM Winger & JL Cracraft. 2020. The relationship between morphology and behavior in mixed-species flocks of island birds. Ecology and Evolution 10:10593-10606. (PDF)
Starkloff, NC, JJ Kirchman, AW Jones, BM Winger, Y-H Huang, PC Pulgarín-R & WC Turner. 2020. Drivers of community turnover differ between avian haemoparasite genera along a North American latitudinal gradient. Ecology and Evolution 10:5402-5415. (PDF)
Winger, BM, BC Weeks, A Farnsworth, AW Jones, M Hennen & DE Willard. 2019. Nocturnal flight-calling behaviour predicts vulnerability to artificial light in migratory birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286:20190364 (PDF)
•Select media coverage: Science Magazine, PBS Nova,
Chicago Tribune, Audubon, The Guardian, The Conversation
Winger, BM, GG Auteri, TM Pegan & BC Weeks. 2019. A long winter for the Red Queen: Rethinking the evolution of seasonal migration. Biological Reviews 94:737-752. (PDF)
•Winner of 2019 American Ornithological Society Katma Award
•Related interviews for Radiolab and Wildlife Magazine
Chesser, RT, KJ Burns, C Cicero, JL Dunn, AW Kratter, IJ Lovette, PC Rasmussen, JV Remsen, DF Stotz, BM Winger & K Winker. 2018. Fifty-ninth supplement to the American Ornithological Society’s Check-list of North American Birds. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 135:798-813. (PDF)
Winger, BM. 2017. Consequences of divergence and introgression for speciation in Andean cloud-forest birds. Evolution 71:1815-1831. (PDF)
•Featured as an Evolution Digest (Turbek 2017)
Toews, DPL, L Campagna, SA Taylor, CN Balakrishnan, DT Baldassare, PE Deane-Coe, MG Harvey, DM Hooper, DE Irwin, CD Judy, NA Mason, JE McCormack, KG McCracken, CH Oliveros, RJ Safran, ESC Scordato, KF Stryjewksi, A Tigano, JAC Uy, & BM Winger. 2016. Genomic approaches to understanding population divergence and speciation in birds. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 133:13-30. (PDF)
Winger, BM, PA Hosner, GA Bravo, AM Cuervo, N Aristizábal, LE Cueto & JM Bates. 2015. Inferring speciation history in the Andes with reduced-representation sequence data: an example in the bay-backed antpittas (Aves; Grallariidae; Grallaria hypoleuca s. l.). Molecular Ecology 24:6256-6277. (PDF)
Winger, BM & JM Bates. 2015. The tempo of trait divergence in geographic isolation: Avian speciation across the Marañon valley of Peru. Evolution 69:772-782. (PDF)
Winger, BM, FK Barker & RH Ree. 2014. Temperate origins of long-distance seasonal migration in New World songbirds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 111(33):12115-12120. (PDF) | (media coverage)
Harvey, MG, GF Seeholzer, D Cáceres, BM Winger, JG Tello, F Hernández, MA Aponte, CV Duffie, S Figueroa, RS Terrill, CE Brown, L Alza, G Bravo, M Combe, O Custodio, A Quiñones, A Urbay, WA Garcia, AS Savit, FW Pezo, WM Mauck III, and O Barden. 2014. Avian biogeography of an Amazonian headwater: the upper Ucayali River, Peru. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126(2):179-191. (PDF)
Seeholzer, GF, BM Winger, MG Harvey, D Cáceres & JD Weckstein. 2012. A new species of barbet (Aves: Capitonidae) from the Cerros del Sira, Ucayali, Peru. The Auk 129(3):551-559. (frontispiece) (PDF)
Winger, BM, IJ Lovette & DW Winkler. 2012. Ancestry and evolution of seasonal migration in Parulidae. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:610-618. (PDF)
Harvey, MG, BM Winger, GF Seeholzer & D Caceres. 2011. Avifauna of the Gran Pajonal and southern Cerros del Sira, Peru. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123(2):289-316. (PDF)
Greeney, H, M Juiña, JB Harris, M Wickens, BM Winger, R Gelis, E Miller, & A Solano-Ugalde. 2010. Observations on the breeding biology of birds in south-east Ecuador. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 130:61-68. (PDF)